
View of Windows 8

Price is usually expected future cash flows, the android 2.2 tablet ertainty of future cash flows or risk-based change. We believe this software is no exception. In general, companies in the touch screen android tablet pc next 12 months earnings or cash flow valuation basis. We have come to Microsoft's target price to 35 dollars, corresponding to the calendar year 2011, the company earnings per share $ 2.53 to 13.5 times. The goal of price-earnings ratio is the average of other large technology stocks based on earnings derived.

Although the operating system, Windows 8 demonstration in Sinofsky and Larson - under the control of Green, android tablets uk most people have no opportunity for hands, but this product has several notable features. As can be seen from the demo, Windows 8 user interface is neat card interface, the platform compared to multi-task operating on the Tablet PC is currently much more android 2.2 tablet convenient. Light Tablet PC application development model is based on HTML5 and Javascript, which the overwhelming majority of the people open the possibility of application development. Windows 8 shows that the new version IE 10 has been optimized. Sinofsky said they use when you start Windows 8 will be greatly reduced, but did slate tablet pc not provide further details. Not the outside world expected, Windows 8 will be built applications store. Further details on the Windows 8, we expect between now and September will be 13-16 "Professional Developers Conference," the period between the gradually revealed.

Investors generally believe that, Windows 8 will android 2.2 tablet not improve Microsoft's position in the consumer equipment market. Although Windows 8 will not be fully unveiled in the D9's opinion reversing the investors, but we witnessed a strong Windows 8 breakthrough on the market increased confidence that the implementation capacity of Microsoft's Tablet PC risk / reward has turned positive. 

