According to foreign media reports, Apple iPad accused of copying the design of Samsung, android 2.2 tablet which Samsung said similar iPad tablet PC concept in science fiction movies have been around for years.
Previously, Apple said that Samsung's latest product with the iPhone or iPad look very similar, this is not a coincidence. slate tablet pc From hardware to the user interface appearance, and even packaging, Samsung flagrant plagiarism, this is wrong. When our ideas were stolen, we need to protect our intellectual property rights.
In response, Samsung's lawyer pointed out, android tablets uk iPad's design was the director Stanley Kubrick in 1968 film "2001: A Space Odyssey" was in "Imagine" too. In the film, the two astronauts had to use very similar on ipad equipment.
In the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey", about a minute of content astronauts eat while they use a Tablet PC, touch screen android tablet pc Samsung has set out on YouTube "2001: A Space Odyssey" video viewing address.
As for the design of Apple's patent claims, Samsung believes that in the film, the tablet is rectangular, the dominant display, with narrow borders, flat surface before and after the back of the flat (this is obvious, android 2.2 tablet because the film's Tablet PC can lie flat on the surface of the table), and its shape is thin.